Broadcast Date:

Central Time
Tape #
Program Name

12am - 1am 224 Nitty-Gritty of Tithing
1am - 2am 232 A Simple Study on Baptism
2am - 3am 237 Repent or Perish
3am - 4am   McCanny Science Hour with James McCanny
4am - 5am 244 Authority: Resistance or Obedience - Part 6
5am - 6am 259 Has America Gone to the Dogs?
6am - 7am 269 The Sabbath - Part 1
7am - 8am  
Last weeks Coffee with the Radio Ranch Wranglers
8am - 9am  
Coffee with the Radio Ranch Wranglers (Live)
9am - 10am 274 “Unity”—A Misunderstood Subject
10am - 11am 283 King vs. King
11am - 12pm 290 Finding the Lost Sheep of Israel
12pm - 1pm 305 Who Was the Father of Cain? by Earl Jones
1pm - 2pm 224 Nitty-Gritty of Tithing
2pm - 3pm 232 A Simple Study on Baptism
3pm - 4pm 319 Give U.S. a King by Ken Warner
4pm - 5pm 331 Divine Defenses and Responsibilities by Richard Hoskins
5pm - 6pm 333 A House Divided by Mark Cassata
6pm - 7pm 342 The Greatest Conspiracy by Earl Jones
7pm - 8pm 354 America’s Early Christian Heritage - Part 1 by Mark Cassata
8pm - 9pm 365 Racial Origins by Charles Weisman
9pm - 10pm 373 Universalism Part 1 by Charles Weisman
10pm - 11pm 403 Understanding the Spiritual Gifts - Part 2
11pm - 12am 408 Be a Swinger—Register Your Guns - Part 2