Broadcast Date:
Central Time
Tape #
Program Name

12am - 1am 700 What Difference Does Identity Make?
1am - 2am 701 Calling upon God or upon the Gods
2am - 3am 706  Spiritual Health and Strength
3am - 4am 703 Secret Spiritual Defense Weapon - Part 2
4am - 5am "Replay"
Lastnight's Gideon's Armory with Jason
5am - 6am "Replay"
Sunday's Church Sermon
6am - 7am 704  The Unseen War Part 1 (War, War - Believe It)
7am - 8am 705 Opposition to Becoming a Christian
8am - 9am "Replay"
Lastnight's Gideon's Armory with Jason
9am - 10am 706  Spiritual Health and Strength
10am - 11am 707 The Planting of Spirits
11am - 12pm 708 The Unseen War Part 2
12pm - 1pm 709 The Unseen War Part 3
1pm - 2pm 700 What Difference Does Identity Make?
2pm - 3pm 701 Calling upon God or upon the Gods
3pm - 4pm 706  Spiritual Health and Strength
4pm - 5pm 703 Secret Spiritual Defense Weapon - Part 2
5pm - 6pm 704  The Unseen War Part 1 (War, War - Believe It)
6pm - 7pm 705 Opposition to Becoming a Christian
7pm - 8pm "Live"
Ushering in the Holy Spirit Music
8pm - 9pm "Live"
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting
9pm - 10pm 707 The Planting of Spirits
10pm - 11pm "Replay"
Sunday's Church Sermon
11pm - 12am 706  Spiritual Health and Strength